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Mirjana Radetić-Paić Dijana Drandić Matija Čakarić


Regarding the fact that the research has indicated that the correlation of playing violent video games and violent behaviour could be explained by introducing a “third variable”, the aim of this paper was to determine if there were differences in the factors of students' family resilience when they played video games with violent or non-violent contents. For the purposes of this paper, we used the Family Resilience Assessment Questionnaire (Ferić, Maurović and Žižak, 2016), which was developed according to the Family Resilience Assessment Scale (FRAS) (Sixbey, 2005), and which was standardized for use in research in the Republic of Croatia. The questionnaire consisted of 45 items that measured the family resilience factors. Results have shown that when students play video games with non-violent contents, the family resilience factors are linked to the sense of community and trust between members, and their cohesion with family and friends is stronger. A scientific contribution of this paper is the achievement of specific results linked to the family resilience and playing video games with (non)violent contents. The significance of these results also lies in the fact that they give guidelines for the recognition of problems and interventions on various levels.

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Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia)


Istrian University of Applied Sciences,

Pula (Croatia)


Faculty of Informatics, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia)


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